Ad Club starts intensive workshops for students
March 24, 2018
By Paola Esquivel-Oliveros, Journalism seniorP_e22@txstate.eduTexas State University’s Advertising Club is taking a new approach by creating workshops to prepare members for their careers.Ad Club Dalia Hernandez said she plans to attend the workshops in order get an inside perspective on how her career will look like in the future.At the start of the spring 2018 semester, the organization started workshops centered around networking and getting a taste of the industry.Pamela Ochoa, Ad Club vice president, said the purpose of the workshops is to network and get connections that will help students get into the advertising business.“The idea of starting the workshops came from our event coordinator, Zachary Reed,” Ochoa, advertising senior, said. “He wanted something more personal and smaller than a regular meeting setting, where students could feel more comfortable speaking with a professional.”Each workshop is centered around different jobs in the advertising industry including media planning, account planning, and creatives. The first workshop targeted students interested in becoming a part of a creative team, web developers, copywriters or graphic designers. Alicia Rosenwald, Ad Club president, said the executive board is trying to build up the club by making it more interactive and providing members with as many opportunities to network as possible.“These workshops are important in order to network and really get yourself out there by meeting people and getting to know the field,” Rosenwald, advertising senior, said. “If you are not talking to people who have similar interests as you then you are not getting anywhere.”Workshops are held once a month at Railyard Bar and Grill and are open to all students.“The workshops will force students to be in smaller groups with people they have never meet before, and therefore learn and experience new things through all these different strangers that they meet,” Rosenwald said.The Advertising Club was created to help members network with professionals in the advertising industry. The student-run organization offers all students the chance to get an inside look into the industry through guest speakers, agency tours, socials and various activities.The organization holds regular meetings every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Old Main 320. All students are welcome to join.