Outstanding Student Blogs
May 15, 2017
Every semester, students in Fundamentals of Digital and Online Media (FDOM), are required to create a blog and to post regularly. WordPress, Twitter and YouTube are three of the technologies students use. The choice of topic is left up to the student and each semester, we see a variety of topics, such as travel, food, diet, fashion, pets, sports, music and movies.This semester, lecturer Salwa Khan had three students in her online FDOM course that chose topics that were somewhat unusual, and these students did an outstanding job of developing their blogs. They researched their topics thoroughly, wrote well and in an interesting way, found or created compelling images, credited outside sources, and in general, developed their blogs in a professional manner. Khan would like to commend these students for their impressive work, and share their blogs with you.Maggie Bera: Actor Aesthetic - Designed to inspire and prepare young actors for the reality of the industryJohn Hernandez: Extend the Sphere - Looking at the intersection of media, technology and politicsCourtney Whitehouse: Courtney Creative - Design blog