PR Day Rolls In with Pros, Panels, and the Planters NUTmobile

Richard Thomas III | February 20, 2025

SAN MARCOS, TEXAS –Texas State University students recently commemorated the second annual Public Relations Day with a series of visits from PR professionals – including Texas State alums – and a visit from the famed Planters NUTmobile.

Texas State President Dr. Kelly Damphousse joined students in the QUAD, touring the 26-foot NUTmobile for PR Day Feb. 20, joining Katie Krupinski, Planters ambassador and a Texas State graduate.

“One of the things that's really cool about PR Day is it gives a real practical event for our students that are involved in public relations,” Damphousse said.

“Students get to see recent graduates from the program who were once sitting in their shoes in the classroom involved in doing PR for a big company like Planters. It makes it real for our students to say, ‘Oh, there’s a job for me out there.’ ”

Krupinski emphasized that Texas State offers numerous outside organizations where students can get hands-on experience with public relations.

“My best advice is to get involved with these organizations, you get so many opportunities while in college. I really recommend maximizing your time over four years,” she said.

Students also attended a panel discussion on Major League Soccer later in the day from five speakers who played a significant part in luring MLS soccer to Austin – the day’s keynote event.

The panel included three Texas State Alumni: Kristin Marcum from ECPR, Marty Butler Chief Creative Officer at Butler, and soccer podcaster Jeremiah Bentley.

Public Relations Professor Debra Price, president-elect of the Austin Public Relations Society of America, helped organize the panel and other PR Day activities.

“We had a full roster of people who talked about public relations branding, community engagement, building a fan base and how you do that for a Major League team coming to a major city,” Price said.

Texas State student Gavin Morin, 23, was one of the students who attended the MLS panel. Morin joined the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) after taking Professor Paul Villagran’s Introduction to PR class and learning that PR was in many day-to-day aspects.

Morin attended the event because he’s interested in sports and building relationships that will serve him after he graduates. Morin said PRSSA and events like PR Day will prepare him to be in a public relations setting.

“We got a lot of insight into sight selection, and the PR involved in moving a team to Austin, Texas – doing focus groups or creating a consensus in secret of what they want to produce.” Morin said. “They helped build Austin FC from the ground up, and the coolest thing is to look back and see the end-product they helped create.”

“I feel more drawn to PR,” said Texas State student Talia Bernstein, 22, a mass communication major with a concentration in electronic media.

“I am very lucky to have attended this session, and I am considering taking more PR classes and joining PRSSA. I will definitely be attending more PR Day sessions next year.”

Bobcat Promotions, a student-run public relations agency, and PRSSA sponsored a community mixer that served refreshments and also included a panel of different organizations on campus where students can get involved in public relations and build their portfolios.

Damphousse promised to make an appearance after interviewing Texas State Alumna and Planters Brand Ambassador Katie Krupinski on his podcast the day before.

Damphousse said he believes communication degrees are valuable because they’re useful.

“We’re training students to go into the workforce prepared to help their companies or the organizations they are a part of learn how to communicate with the world,” Damphousse said.

“So, learning how to be a great communicator there’s some art to it and skill as well. PR communication is a program we love because it’s a well-run program with a degree that you can do almost anything with”

Some of the organizations included in the panel were KTSW, The University Star, Her Campus Media and Look Magazine.

Texas State student and Modeling Director for Look magazine Shaun’e Smith, 19, represented Look Magazine on the panel.

“I gave the participants and panel a deeper understanding what it is like to be involved in a campus magazine and to lead a team of models,” Smith said. “We are all creatives that come together to do modeling, writing, graphic design, makeup and hair styling.”

Smith said she was excited to give the world a preview of everything Look Magazine does and shared that the magazine is looking expand its roots beyond Texas State.

Other PR Day highlights included Texas Tribune Marketing and Communication Manager Kerri Qunell leading a session on interview tips with a panel of young alumni that shared their stories on how they got into the field.

Senior Account Executive at Lead Hub Ashleigh Doan, 26, served as one of the young alumni panelists. Lead Hub is a full-service marketing agency in San Antonio that specializes in the trades. Doan was a student at Texas State three years ago and shared insights on how to reach success.

“To stand out, sometimes you're going to have to have moments where you go above and beyond. You need to be hard working, feel driven and put in extra time,” Doan said.

“Michael Jordan didn't become Michael Jordan by attending practice like everyone else. He became Michael Jordan by being the first one in and the last one to leave and putting in the extra time and work and just really showing that he wanted to be there.”

Planters Brand Ambassador and Krupinski’s co-worker, Jessie Carl, 26, said their job is yearlong and an opportunity for recent college graduates interested in marketing and PR.

“We’re here because the Planters NUTmobile is like a PR firm on wheels,” Carl said.

“We do marketing across the country. I am one of three Planters that travel across the country in the one and only Planters NUTmobile. We go to events, fairs, festivals, different universities and restaurants, and our main (goal) is to pass out peanuts and chill out smiles.”