Sjmc Honored At College Of Fine Arts And Communication Convocation

SJMC | August 23, 2013

Faculty and staff in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication took home several awards at Thursday’s College of Fine Arts and Communication Convocation, hosted by Dean Timothy Mottet in the JCM Building. After welcoming new faculty and staff to the college, Mottet honored this year’s Presidential Awards for Excellence in Teaching recipients, including SJMC faculty Dr. Cindy Royal and Kym Fox. Recipients of this prestigious university-wide award receive $5,000 each and are honored at President Denise Trauth’s convocation.

Runners-up for the award included:

  • Federico Subervi and Jacie Yang for scholarly/creative activities ($800 each)
  • Tim England and Alexander Muk for service ($800 each)

The SJMC’s own Dr. Laurie Fluker was also honored for her continuing service as the college’s Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Retention, and several of the school’s faculty and staff were introduced to new positions and appointments, including:

  • Beth Clark
  • Elizabeth “Gigi” Taylor
  • Dale Blasingame
  • Olga Mayoral Wilson
  • Grace Capwell
  • Vanessa Higgins
  • Gilbert Martinez
  • Harry Bowers

One entertaining highlight of the morning was a special rendition of “This Is Your Teaching Life,” during which mysterious alums praised their favorite faculty members from a microphone outside the room. Dr. Tim England was surprised by a former student who appreciated his teaching style.

Dean Timothy Mottet’s closing remarks encouraged all faculty to be “deviants,” thanking them for making a decision to be extraordinary and warning them not to slip back into “ordinary.”

“This is a front-and-center year for the College of Fine Arts and Communication,” Mottet said, referring to this year’s numerous university awards and the upcoming Performing Arts Center. “All eyes are on us.”

Mottet closed by highlighting the importance of unique and relevant teaching, keeping it meaningful and rewarding, and synthesizing teaching with creative abilities. He asked faculty to make sure they leave their “signature” on their students and the university.

This Is Your Teaching Life from SJMC at Texas State University on Vimeo.