SJMC Oganization of the Month: Texas State Ad Club
sjmctxst | April 6, 2013

Meeting times/location:
The Ad Club meets every other Tuesday at 7 pm in Old Main 234.
Plans for the future:
This Spring: Austin Ad Fed Agency Crawl in April
Fall: In-state agency tour, participation in the AAF-Houston Student Competition
On-going: Guest speakers from Central TX agencies, socials and volunteer opportunities for members, participation in student org fairs and on-campus fundraisers.
President: Brittany Teague, Vice President: Kelby Schmidt, Secretary: Magen Bork, Treasurer: Adrienne Babola, VP of Programs: Kris Garza, VPs of Communication: Rebecca Ciceri and Chris Gillis, VP of Socials: Veronica Garcia
Web Resources:
Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | More Pics