Student Receives Bea Scholarship

SJMC | January 7, 2014

Sarah McGriff has received the $5,000 Abe Veron Award scholarship from the Broadcast Educators Association.   Sarah, who is originally from New Sharon, Iowa, is a junior at Texas State University majoring in Music Performance with a minor in Mass Communication.

While at Texas State, Sarah has been in marching band, jazz band and basketball band.  She also has been a member of the KTSW 89.9 staff since arriving at Texas State in August 2012, serving in the past as an audio production assistant and on-air announcer.  Sarah will be the assistant production director and an on-air announcer at KTSW for spring 2014.  She will also be a member of a team of students producing an episodic radio drama that will air on KTSW throughout the spring semester.

Sarah will travel with her mother in April to Las Vegas to accept the Abe Veron Award scholarship at the Broadcasters Educators Association Convention.  Her career plans are to be a radio or television broadcaster and to one day own a radio station.