The Southwest through Images
October 01, 2013
Kate Dudley
A three-day documentary festival slated three Thursdays in October-- the 3rd, 10th and 24th, will share the vital experiences of the people who live or have lived in the Southwest region of Texas.The documentary festival is an excellent opportunity for all students and members of the community to witness the experiences captured in images, filmed and produced by young talent, who have set their eyes and heart on the Southwest region of the Lone Star State. Sergio Carvajal, graduate student and Vanessa Ramos, undergraduate communication student, will showcase their work and perspectives of the Southwest region, respectively. Other producers are Maru Buendia, Shannon Arteage, Mario Troncoso and Miguel Alvarez.“By witnessing the work of the concerned and responsible students the spectators will experience the different lifestyles and challenges that give the uniqueness to the Southwest part of Texas,” says Olga Mayoral Wilson, APR, public relations director for the Center for the Study of Latino Media and Markets, supporter of the event.Gloria Velásquez, Spanish senior lecturer, says, “The documentaries that will be presented are the work from filmmakers who sought the Southwest region as canvas for their creation, and will show students from different parts of the country how unique Southwest Texas is.”Sponsors for the festival are: Dr. Frank De La Teja, Director for the Center for the Study of the Southwest, Dr. Margarita Arellano, Dean of Students, Dr. Jaime Chahin, Dean of College of Applied Arts and The Center for the Study of Latino Media and Markets, at the School of Journalism and Mass CommunicationThe festival is open to the public free of charge. For additional information, please contact the organizers of the event: Gloria Velásquez, Spanish Senior Lecturer at 512.245.1354, or Alba Melgar, Spanish Lecturer at 512.245.1354.