SJMC Equipment Checkout Policy & Support Center

Equipment Checkout Policy 

Below are the terms that we require you agree to before checking out SJMC equipment.

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Undergraduate Students 

    Undergrads can checkout equipment for two of our operating days*. If a student wants to recheck the equipment, it can only be done in person. Please note that the ability to recheck equipment is not guaranteed. 

    * For example, equipment checked out on Monday is due Wednesday and equipment checked out on Wednesday is due Monday. Our hours are listed on the Equipment Checkout support page. 

    Graduate Students 

    Graduate students can checkout equipment for one week. If a student wants to renew their checkout, it can only be done in person. Please note that the ability to recheck equipment is not guaranteed. 


  • Each recheck must be done in person with the equipment in hand for inspection. You can also receive a fully charged battery for certain items at this time. One recheck allows for a total of four days, which is enough time to complete a project.

  • If a student is late returning equipment to the Equipment Checkout Room, the student loses all checkout privileges. In addition, a return that is late may result in up to a letter deduction on the student's course grade. If equipment is a week late, we are required to report it as lost or stolen to the University Police Department.

    If you know your equipment will be late due to extenuating circumstances, please complete the Access and Incident Form

  • Students are allowed multiple checkouts throughout the semester for assignment or project use. Compliance with returning equipment on time will ultimately determine how many checkouts each student is allowed.

  • Reservations can only be made by professors for a specific class. Checking out equipment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

  • If a medical issue, personal emergency, professional obligation, or any other extenuating circumstance prevents you from returning equipment on time, we need to know as soon as possible. If you complete the Access and Incident Report, we may grant you a one time extension as a courtesy. We do not need the details of your personal or medical emergencies. Failure to contact equipment checkout before we open the next day may be grounds for denying your request.

    Please note exceptions for extenuating circumstances are limited and are not guaranteed.
