This application must be complete AND the Supervisor must complete the Employer Internship Agreement in order to receive a course override that will allow you to register for your internship course. You must complete an application for each internship course you are taking.
You must be a full-status SJMC major, which means you must successfully complete the Introduction to Mass Communication course. You must also be in good academic standing (at least a 2.0 Texas State GPA) to receive MC course credit for doing an internship.
Available options include:
MC4130 (1 hour, min. 100 hours of work during the semester)
MC4230 (2 hours, min. 150 hours of work during the semester)
MC4330 (3 hours, min. 180 hours of work during the semester)
MC5330 (3 hours, min. 180 hours of work during the semester)
For more information, contact Chuck Kaufman, Internship Coordinator, at
You will not be able to register for an internship class until this form has been submitted along with the Employer Internship Agreement by the Supervisor. You will be notified by email that you are clear to register for the course.